Comprehensive Guide to Organoid Cultivation

Comprehensive Guide to Organoid Cultivation

 — A comprehensive article to deepen your understanding of organoids. Introduction to Organoids Organoids are three-dimensional structures with phy...
Human Wnt3a expressed in HEK293 cells exhibites high activity promoting organoids cultivation

Human Wnt3a expressed in HEK293 cells exhibites high activity promoting organoids cultivation

Organoids are in vitro-created three-dimensional models closely resembling natural tissues or organs, and they hold significant significance within...
Ceturegelâ„¢ Basement Membrane Matrix- Your first choice

Ceturegelâ„¢ Basement Membrane Matrix- Your first choice

Ceturegelâ„¢ Basement Membrane Matrix- Your first choice With the advancement of stem cell therapy and organoid-based drug development, basement mem...